Thursday, August 6, 2009

e-commerce ,MyEG & Rilek portal

Business To Business (B2B)
-Business conducted between companies, rather than between a company and individual consumer. An example of B2B company is a firm that makes parts that are sold directly to an automobile manufacturer.

Business To Consumer (B2C)
-Business conducted between companies and indivdual consumer, rather than between two companies. An retailer like Wal-Mart is an example of a B2C company.

Customer To Customer (C2C)
-A type of business model that faciltates interaction between customers. Customer to customer business provides individuals with a place to converse, exchange and interact with other people. Many C2C business have onlne operations. Online auctions and classfieds such as Ebay and Craig's List are examples of very successful customer to customer business models. These sites don't look directly sell goods to their members, instead the customers are exchanging with other customers.

MyEG Services Berhad is concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application. They role as a Service Provider for the E-Services component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens or businesses. Through this portal, also offer the Malaysian public a single point of contact between the Government and the people it serves. This portal enables Malaysians to dynamically interact with numerous agencies with the Federal, State and the Local Government machinery providing services ranging from information searches to licenses applications.

RILEK PORTAL represents reliability, simplicity and security. RILEK is equipped with high-end multimedia facilities and system support to accommodate heavy traffic flow. In addition, it is capable of processing information at an efficient and high-speed rate. RILEK promotes a hassle-free and innovative lifestyle that is designed to eliminate queues and frustrations. RILEK combines advanced technology and human proficiency to enhance your lifestyle.

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